Description: Concentration of dissolved Al.
Data creators: Eric Achterberg | Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta | Christian Schlosser
Other tracers along this section: Al total particulate | Ba total particulate | Cd total particulate | Co total particulate | Cr total particulate | CTDSAL | Cu total particulate | Fe dissolved | Fe total particulate | Hg total | Methyl Hg total | Mn total particulate | Mo total particulate | Nitrate | Oxygen (CTD) | P total particulate | Pb dissolved | Pb total particulate | Pb_206_204 ratio, dissolved | Pb_206_207 ratio, dissolved | Pb_208_207 ratio, dissolved | Potential Temperature | Ra_226 dissolved | Salinity | Silicate | Ti total particulate | V total particulate | Y total particulate
Other sections with this tracer: GA01_w | GA02 | GA03_e | GA03_w | GA04N_bs | GA04N_m | GA06_w | GA10 | GApr08 | GI01 | GI04 | GI05_m | GI05_zl | GI06 | GIPY02 | GIPY04 | GIPY05_c | GIPY05_e | GIPY05_w | GIPY06 | GIPY11_c | GIPY11_e | GIPY11_w | GN01_e | GN01_w | GP19 | GPc06
3D scenes with this tracer: Arctic | Atlantic | Indian Ocean | North Atlantic | Pacific | South Atlantic
Publications for this tracer: GA01